Moments of Truth As An Artist
1956: I was about six years old. The Euchre Party was noisy. I sat at a desk in the other room and drew black cats. Round black cats with curly tails and two whiskers each side. I loved these black cats as I drew each one perfectly. Two circles filled in pure black and two ears, a tail. Perfection in black.
I loved drawing. I loved drawing to illustrate farming activities, nature study, poetry, the bible stories. I drew magical motels, and princesses on the back blank pages of text books. But in High School, the art assignments were less interesting than French and Geography. I forgot that I loved drawing.
January 1975: I am sitting in the sun on a balcony in Kathmandu. Mary says, "Try this. Colour in these Nepali designs. You can draw." I remember that I love drawing.
1976-78: In Zambia, my hands go crazy with the amount of leisure time and the emotional turmoil. I draw and colour in, draw and colour in. My Derwent pencils are my friend. I love Midnight Green.
(Note camera cord getting in the picture!)
I have exhibited, with other women, and sold ten drawings (all coloured). Wow! I have made money from my Art!!!
1979-80: I attend Life Drawing Classes in 1979. I draw the man I'm in love with,. I draw his pregnant cousin, my ex-house mate. I draw my brother's best friend. Later, Deborah Halpern looks over my work. I don't like what she says, but I remember it. "Your black and whites are better than your coloureds."
I write what is now known as Ekphrastic Poetry. My poem about Klytie Pate's banksia vase is chosen for one of six cards sold as a set in 1994. I cannot afford to go for the launching dinner at $50 per head.
I draw people and trees. That's what I love.
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